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My professional journey as a Healer started in 2002! I was introduced to Reiki Healing when I worked in a busy office and had constant migraines. A colleague of mine was a Reiki Therapist and offered to help. After only 2 treatments, my migraines massively eased and I felt a sense of peace and relaxation for the first time since being a young child. Reiki made a massively positive change in my life so I decided I just had to learn it and help other people to heal!


From as young as I can remember I have always been sensitive to people’s needs and was very interested in nature, energy and how the mind & body connects with its own soul. I was interested in herbs and plants and how they gave me a sense of peace. I used to constantly pick roses as a child and try and turn the petals into a perfume as they smelled so wonderful and made me feel relaxed.  Little did I know that in years to come, I would be an Advanced Aromatherapist and much more!


After studying Reiki and working as a Reiki healer for almost 2 years, I decided to go back to college and learn Aromatherapy & Indian Head Massage. The world of complementary therapies was really capturing me and I progressed onto my BSc Degree in Complementary Therapies, majoring in Advanced Clinical Reflexology.

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Alongside my studies I was very blessed to gain a job as a therapist in the Mental Health Sector, treating patients with depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, personality disorders and more. What a beautiful eye opener this job was and I am forever grateful to all of those who let me into their hearts and allowed me to heal them using my skills, if only for a few days or weeks they felt better, it didn’t matter as I was making a difference.


After years of training and working as a healer, I knew it was time to teach!


I gained my P.G.C.E.  in 2008 and again was blessed to gain a position teaching adult learning at a local night school.  Here I constructed my own introductory courses into many different therapies and felt so privileged to see how they changed people’s lives for the better, some students even going on to college to learn how to be professional therapists themselves!


After a couple of years I was truly blessed with the arrival of Twins! So of course I took a little work break here. I still kept a hand in with my healing and private clients over the years and when my Twins went to school, I began to reach out more with my treatments and was very proud to finally become a Reiki Master!


I’ve always loved the images of Angels, so it was no surprise that when my workplace building was finished, I just had to call it Angelic Lodge.  Here, people can feel a sense of comfort and peace, come and relax, or have a treatment and a chat.  A place to learn one of my courses in order to become the happiest they can be, with the most dedicated guidance possible!

Like anyone, I’ve had my fair share of ups and downs and hurdles in life. But I’m here to help, make a difference, even if only for a day or perhaps a lifetime, it still matters to that person in that moment!




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